My most prized possession is two small objects that are no bigger than the palm of your hand put together. Put together the two pearl white pins make up a rotary dial phone. It automatically catches the eye due to the pink/white shine that the pins posses. The pins have been passed down through the generations of my family, and were passed on to me after my grandmother died two years ago in August. I consider these two small objects my most prized possessions because when I look at them, I see my grandmother. I see her inability to ever stray away from the “old ways” of her time, her class, her elegance, and most of all, her love for the simple things in life. Nobody outside of my family even knows the pins exist, and I’ve never worked up a reason to show them to anyone. They still appear as if they are brand new and hold no dust on them in the top drawer of my jewelry box. The story goes that my grandmother begged my great-grandmother to buy it for her wedding after she became engaged at the age of 16. They were far from rich at the time, and my grandmother wanted to impress my grandpa when she walked down the aisle of the tiny Mississippi Church of God. While I’m obviously not engaged and have no one to impress, I still hold the two pins close to my heart and wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world.
True Friend
My best friend is Lauren White. She has auburn hair with light blue eyes, and freckles to match. We love to go to the peaceful atmosphere of Books-A-Million and any chaotic concert afterwards that we can find together. We spend hours talking about ourselves and what goes on in our family. We don’t have to text constantly or talk on the phone, but outside of electronical devices, we are joined at the hip. We probably only have a total of ten pictures together, even though we have known each other for countless years, but if I am walking somewhere, people know that Lauren White is never far away. People automatically ask me where Lauren is if I am spotted, because they know I know where she’s located. If one of us attends an event, the other goes too. If one of us does not plan on going to a birthday party or movie, the other does not go either. I honestly don’t remember how we even met to begin with. She has been in my life for as far back as my 16 year old brain can reach, and I don’t remember a time without her by my side. We have reached the point of recycling a birthday card that I do not remember ever giving to her, because we were so young. Our car names correspond, as do our bedrooms. Quite frankly, I cannot imagine an Elizabeth Peterson without a Lauren White. She is a constant in my life, and our friendship remains strong through endless hours of conversation, reading books, and new music to dance to at all the concerts we go to.
First Week
My first week at school was refreshingly relaxed. My first week as a sophomore was a lot less stressful, as you could imagine, than my first week as a freshman. As you know, the first week is all about rules, guidelines, supplies, and catching up with friends that haven’t been seen. So, it was nice to relax before the full proximity of sophomore year took off.
Digital Citizenship
Digital citizenship is basically being safe and being aware of what should not be shared and what the most popular actions are within the internet and electronic devices. Mine myself being texting, blogging, and listening to music. So, I can understand why the statistics of how many students do these activities would be so high since not only do I participate in these, but so do every one of my friends and family. However, it did shock me at how many parents talk to their kids about internet safety because I don’t know a lot of parents that do. I thought statistics would be lower. I know I use the internet mainly for communicating and sharing. An upside to this would be being able to share with friends and communicate easily. However, this can easily become a con due to over-sharing and over communicating to the point of withdrawing yourself from reality and encouraging predators. Another downside to the world being so encased in electronics, would be cyberbullying. When cyberbullying takes place there really isn’t an escape when it comes to trying to get away from it, especially when you the person in public. Some ways to prevent cyberbullying is to block, report, or confront the person harassing you.
Why Dissections Are Important?
I think dissections are important because a small animal is a lot like a simplified human body, like where the organs are. Also, this is good, early experience for students who want to become a veterinarian or a nurse when they’re older. They would need to know where organs are and how to handle organs when cutting the body open or investigating. If you do these dissections in groups, it’s great way to teach students teamwork. They learn teamwork by helping one another know what an organ is or help cut the body. Another reason why dissections are important, is because a lot of students find it so much easier to learn when they’re working hands on. I, myself, find it easier to work hands on because it gives me something real to work with. Also, this gives a lot of experience, no matter what the profession. Dissections can be important in so many ways in the science/biology teaching.
Semester Project
In my semester project I learned that earthworms are only able to live in moist areas and do not care for human junk food.
I liked the fact that we got do a project that we thought of and not something “assigned”.
I wish I knew more about why earthworms only eat fruit, vegetables, or soil.
Barren Island
Barren Island was formed by a tectonic plate that sank, melted, and rose to the surface. Over years of dried lava and magma build up, it formed a volcano on the somewhat small island. Barren Island is the only active volcano in the Indian Subcontinent. The volcano has a central cone and two lava flows which pour out to the sea and continue to build the island. However, when rain or snow occurs, the sides will slowly crumble and reveal more of the surface area. Barren Island is expect to grow more flat and larger in size.
How I Think the Earth Was Made
I am a Christian so obviously I believe God made it. I’m honestly not sure how to describe His work though. I do not think that the Earth got a mind of it’s own and created itself when something as simple as a house cannot build itself. I think God provided the chemicals and gases needed for this to happen such as Carbon Dioxide, etc. I honestly can’t go into further detail, I can’t describe clearly and scientifically for other people to understand because I go by faith, not science.
What Really Happens In a Chemical Reaction
Atoms are, put it how you want, “rearranged.” When a chemical reaction takes place bonds between atoms are broken and new ones are formed. Some of the signs of a chemical reaction are color change, temperature change, shape change, bubbling, smoking, etc. When bonds are being broken and formed, the atoms start to react with some of the other chemicals or ingredients.Also, during a chemical reaction, atoms are not created nor destroyed. Same goes for molecules, too. This is my knowledge and opinion on what really happens in a chemical reaction.
Lab Safety Importance
Expirements can be very dangerous at times, and not knowing how dangerous some the equipment is can end in minor or serious injuries. Chemicals for instance can be deadly and if you don’t understand what they’re made for or how they effect you, you shouldn’t be messing with them. You should always wear goggles and gloves when handling deadly chemicals. Fire is another hazard when working the lab. They say don’t play with fire for a reason, you could end up with serious burns if you are not careful with fire. Another hazard is some of the equipment and sharp objects. When dealing with knives or any other sharp objects, you should always keep the sharpened part pointed away from you and any other person. I promise the science teacher doesn’t want to deal with a kid whining over a cut because they were playing with a sharp object. When in class, listen to directions, pay attention, be careful, and be smart.