My most prized possession is two small objects that are no bigger than the palm of your hand put together. Put together the two pearl white pins make up a rotary dial phone. It automatically catches the eye due to the pink/white shine that the pins posses. The pins have been passed down through the generations of my family, and were passed on to me after my grandmother died two years ago in August. I consider these two small objects my most prized possessions because when I look at them, I see my grandmother. I see her inability to ever stray away from the “old ways” of her time, her class, her elegance, and most of all, her love for the simple things in life. Nobody outside of my family even knows the pins exist, and I’ve never worked up a reason to show them to anyone. They still appear as if they are brand new and hold no dust on them in the top drawer of my jewelry box. The story goes that my grandmother begged my great-grandmother to buy it for her wedding after she became engaged at the age of 16. They were far from rich at the time, and my grandmother wanted to impress my grandpa when she walked down the aisle of the tiny Mississippi Church of God. While I’m obviously not engaged and have no one to impress, I still hold the two pins close to my heart and wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world.
Nice. I like the memory this creates.