Digital citizenship is basically being safe and being aware of what should not be shared and what the most popular actions are within the internet and electronic devices. Mine myself being texting, blogging, and listening to music. So, I can understand why the statistics of how many students do these activities would be so high since not only do I participate in these, but so do every one of my friends and family. However, it did shock me at how many parents talk to their kids about internet safety because I don’t know a lot of parents that do. I thought statistics would be lower. I know I use the internet mainly for communicating and sharing. An upside to this would be being able to share with friends and communicate easily. However, this can easily become a con due to over-sharing and over communicating to the point of withdrawing yourself from reality and encouraging predators. Another downside to the world being so encased in electronics, would be cyberbullying. When cyberbullying takes place there really isn’t an escape when it comes to trying to get away from it, especially when you the person in public. Some ways to prevent cyberbullying is to block, report, or confront the person harassing you.