Definition (Blog #3)

In Sandra Cisneros vignette titled “My Name” (page 11), we see how Esperanza feels about herself and her name. I believe that everyone can learn from her statement that “[She] inherited [her great-grandmother’s] name, but [she] did not want to inherit her place by the window.” Despite it sounding silly to feel pressured into following someone’s footsteps just because you inherited their name, many people actually believe this. However, a name is only something to identify you by. It might identify you but it does not mean that it decides your identity as well. Who you are as person does not come from a name. While you can  hold characteristics of the meaning your name means, it also does mean that you hold every single characteristic. It almost resembles as zodiac sign. A zodiac sign does not define who you are as a person, but you can hold characteristics that your zodiac sign has. Fortunately, Esperanza has decided not to let a name that she inherited from someone who isn’t even still alive. No one should, for that matter.

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